Saturday, March 15, 2008

My journey

In 2004 I had the opportunity to take a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia with Landmine Survivors Network. I wanted to visit the survivors so they would know that Americans and people in other parts of the world care about them and think about them. I also wanted to see for myself the damage and pain landmines have caused to innocent victims. When I learned about how LSN works with survivors I was really impressed. The organization helps people "move from being victims, to survivors, to fully participating citizens in their communities."

LSN’s network office in Vietnam works with survivors toward four goals. First, to bring survivors together with other survivors through visits and activities as a means of offering peer support. Second, to support survivors in the areas of healthcare, use of prostheses, rehabilitation, and economic training. Third, to assist survivors in exchange for community service provided by the survivor. Finally, to encourage participation of survivors in regional activities that promote pride and interaction.

These talented men are all landmine survivors. Today they are members of a band and members of society.

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